Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

535 - Master's in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency

66340 - Electric generators for renewable energy applications

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
66340 - Electric generators for renewable energy applications
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
535 - Master's in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives. In the theory sessions, fundamental concepts and problems are explained on the board. In the practice sessions, simulations of different generation systems are introduced, and the students can check the operation of these systems in different conditions and understand better the concepts studied. In other tasks, the student can deepen the topics explained in theory and practice sessions.

5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes the following learning tasks: 

  • Theory and practice sessions. These are sessions to explain the basic concepts and to make problems and cases of practical applications of such contents. Student participation through questions and brief discussions will be encouraged.
  • Lab practice sessionsStudent will receive guidelines for the practice session at the beginning of the session, which will be accompanied by the explanation and instructions necessary for the completion of the tasks.
  • Guided assignmentsDuring the first weeks of the course, students solve a set of problems and cases or conduct an assignment, which consists on the practical application of the course contents.
  • Autonomous work. During the whole year, the continuous work of the student will be promoted by the proposed  learning activities.
  • Assessment tests. They have both a grading function and a learning function with which the student checks the degree of understanding and assimilation of knowledge and skills achieved.
  • Tutorials. Hours for student guidance, identification of learning problems, orientation in the course, attention to exercises and assignments, etc.

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:

Topic 1. Introduction
Topic 2. Electrical transformations
Topic 3. Advanced Modeling of electrical machines
Topic 3. Generator control
Topic 4. Applications
Topic 5. Design with fem

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Further information concerning the timetable, classroom, assessment dates and other details regarding this course, will be provided on the first day of class or please refer to the course webpage.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Peter Vas. “Vector Control of AC Machines”. Oxford Science Publications
  • Bolea. "Variable speed generators" CRC Press.
  • C.M. Ong. "Dynamic simulation of electric machinery", Prentice Hall Ptr.
  • Jesús Fraile Mora. “Máquinas eléctricas”, 6ª edición. Ed. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana, Madrid.